We examine ways to assist in structuring our client's organisations more efficiently or Focus them on their career path - Help the client develop the potential of existing business and new prospects - Improve personal and professional impact at work - Give the client greater Awareness of their own personal resources - Prepares the client and their Company for next steps and future growth - Most of all we ensure Confidentiality to our clients
Executive Coaching
We all know the benefit of a sports coach Many will recognise “Life Coaches” as people who help clients come to terms with career aspirations and meld them with family or social needs. The Manager who coaches their team or the specialist who coaches a group enhances the productivity of their co workers. Executive Coaching focuses attention on clients who are trying to move their effectiveness and productivity as business leaders to a new level. For some it will be a new role in their career that is ( the infamous first 100 days), for others overcoming a frustration or obstacle. • The coaching relationship explores the issues driving the client. • It is the client’s outcomes that are settled upon. • The coach, listens and probes the client’s ideas and preconceptions. • The coach offers the Executive a safe environment to express and challenge them to grow. The results of coaching lift the Executive to new levels. … what it is not The preconceived ideas about coaching, as an easy answer or a quick fix solution to a blockage in personal and professional growth, do coaching a serious injustice. Often it is easier to define something by saying what it is not. Coaching is not pseudo psychology: it does not offer instant or uninformed solutions : it is not the sole answer to every executive nightmare; but it can help in dispersing the darkness and illuminating change and growth
HR Business Consulting
There are many different areas of Human Resources that when addressed by use of an outside consultant enhance the resources applied by the organisation. A professional consultant can bring new perspective and wide experience, whilst maintaining the integrity of the HR and Management team. Execoachingpm offers this breadth and experience in the following areas: • Organisation Design • Change Management • Succession Planning • Senior Executive Recruitment • Remuneration Solutions • Executive Development All these topics generate vital projects that Execoachingpm deals with without stretching internal resources.
Executive Development
Both Organisations and individual Executives know that the cost of staying the same is the way to become stale and uninteresting, to the market, to Management and to themselves. The pace of change in the business world demands a constant search for improved capability, skill and adaptability. The resilient executive is the one who knows that growth and change are two sides of the same coin. Organisations are constantly looking to enhance their talent pools. Execoaching Offers: • Individual Executive Skills Awareness • Organisation Training Needs Analysis • High Potential Identification • Executive Development Planning ..... to ensure that individuals and organisations are ready to respond immediately to change, initiating growth.